Talk by Students is an online magazine where our students and their supervisors write about the topics of their theses or projects for professional communities in their field. Articles may also include other content, such as videos and podcasts.
The maturity tests are written as articles and saved to the Talk by Students platform. Some of the maturity tests are published on a discretionary basis, in which case the supervising teacher participates in the finalisation of the article.
For students, the publication platform brings experiences of online publishing and visibility to their own work. The published articles also give Turku UAS more visibility.
Talk by Students online publication is aimed at the professionals working in the fields that are taught at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
In the Talk by Students online magazine, the structure of the article differs from the structure of a report-like publication, thesis, essay or summary. It is not a goal of an article to report chronologically the process of the thesis. An article can be analytic, reflective, argumentative and/or informative.
In Talk by Students platform, the article consists of the following elements:
What would an article be without a picture? Add at least a main image to your text – NOTE: the size should be no smaller than 720×480 px, otherwise the picture can not be used.
Genuine snapshots can be used in between the text, and you can also embed a video clip. Remember to consider the user rights to the images.
It is possible to add other images to your text, too. You can look for examples of articles that have already been published. You can take pictures yourself or take advantage of free image banks (e.g. Unsplash, Pexels, Freepik, Pixabay). The built-in image banks in Microsoft Office are also available. Remember to mention the source of the images at the end of the text. Make sure you only use images that you are allowed to use.
The bibliography is added at the end of the text. Only mention the sources you have referred to in the article. At the end of the article, a link to the thesis on which the article is based is added. The thesis is stored in Theseus.
A bibliography includes the author, the year of publication, the name of the publication and/or the name of the article, the publisher and publisher’s domicile (and, in the endnotes, the page number). References are indicated in the text as follows: (Aaltonen 2008, page number).
For online sources, the bibliography contains the name of the material (in the case of materials comparable to printed sources, the aforementioned information), the website address and the date on which the source was used. The text uses activated links to referenced web pages.
Talk by Students article reference: Last name, x. & Last name 2, x. 202x. Title of the article. Talk by Students. Turku: Turku University of Applied Sciences. Accessed x.x.202x xxx
The assessment criteria for the maturity test can be found in the Messi page of thesis instructions.
Once you have written your maturity test article according to the instructions, proceed to feed the text into the Talk by Students platform according to these Student’s Instructions (the link leads to the instructions found in Messi’s Thesis page).
If you have any questions about producing the text, please feel free to contact your supervising teacher or the editorial board of the Talk by Students publication:
Engineering, ICT and Business Fields
Katja Meltola, Communications Specialist
Health and Well-being
Arts Academy
Satu Haapala, Senior Communications Advisor
tel. +358 50 5985 634
Chief Editor of Talk by Students
Juha Sopanen, Communications Advisor
+358 50 598 5537
Technical support
Satu Haapala, Senior Communications Advisor
tel. +358 50 5985 634